TourCMS, a leading online booking and channel management solution is operated by Palisis.

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Customer database import


One of TourCMS key features is as a Customer Database; giving you a central place to store all of your Customer contact details, preferences, booking records and enquiries. If you have Customer records (contact details & preferences) from an existing system or spreadsheet we can import them into TourCMS for you for a flat fee of 250 GBP / 400 USD.

Alternatively customer details can be entered into TourCMS manually, or you may decide you only wish to maintain a list of current bookers in TourCMS.

If you would like to discuss any of these options, or to request a database import please contact us.

Enquiry importing

At the same time as importing customer details, if the customer has an open enquiry / query ("contact us" form submission, quote request etc) that can be imported too, just add the enquiry details into the same file.

While TourCMS supports multiple enquiries per customer, at this time the import process only supports the importing of up to one enquiry per customer imported.

Data formats

We can import Microsoft Excel (.xls or .xlsx), CSV or TSV files. We may be able to import other text based file formats, please contact us for details.

To speed up the process and avoid errors we ask that you rename the column headings in your spreadsheet match those in the table below, the columns in your spreadsheet can be in any order.

If you have any fields in your existing data that TourCMS does not currently support, it's likely those will be set up as "Custom fields" in your TourCMS account, allowing the data to be imported.

Please do feel free to contact us to discuss any queries you have regarding this, if your data does not match up exactly (for example date formats) we can resolve the differences as part of the import process. The import will be carried out by a human being and you will be given the opportunity to have a sample of your data imported for you to check.

Customer information

Customer fields
titleCustomer title e.g. Mr, Mrs etc
firstnameFirst name
emailEmail address
tel_homeTel home / evening (other phone number fields are listed in the "Not so commonly used fields" section below, however if only taking one phone number then you might want to use this field)
addressAddress (can be multi-line)
countyCounty / State
postcodePostcode / Zipcode
country2 digit country code (uppercase).
perm_emailSet to 1 if the customer is opting in to email marketing, 0 for no marketing or leave blank / don't include to stick with your account defaults
middlenameMiddle name (or initial)
nationality2 digit country code (uppercase).
genderThe customers gender.
Leave blank / don't supply if gender is unknown, otherwise supply one of the following digits:
m = Male
f = Female
x = Indeterminate
dobDate of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
agecatAge category - 1 digit code (i-Infant, c-Child, a-Adult, s-Senior).
Alternatively if you know the customers DOB then pass that instead and TourCMS will calculate the agecat automatically.
pass_numPassport number
pass_issuePassport place of issue
pass_issue_datePassport issue date (YYYY-MM-DD)
pass_expiry_datePassport expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD)
wherehearWhere did the customer hear about us (doesn't have to be pre-configured)
faxFax number
tel_workTel work / day
tel_mobileTel mobile
tel_smsTel sms
contact_noteContact note (e.g. don't call before 8pm)
dear"Dear text", used to provide an alternative greeting from the account default.
For example if the default was the text "Dear " followed by the customers firstname that might be Dear Joe, however you may prefer to contact them by a nickname and be less formal, so pass the string "Hi JJ".
envelopeSimilar to the dear field above but designed to be used on envelopes.
notesGeneral notes on the customer
dietDietary requirements
medicalMedical conditions
nok_nameEmergency contact name
nok_relationshipEmergency contact relationship
nok_telEmergency contact telephone number
nok_contactEmergency contact other note (can be multi-line)
Enquiry fields
enquiry_type"Brochure", "Tailor-made tour" request, "Contact us" form etc.
enquiry_categorySub-category for type (e.g. if for a brochure, the brochure name)
enquiry_detailThe main text details for the enquiry (multi-line)
enquiry_assigntoTourCMS staff user enquiry should be assigned to
enquiry_valueValue (e.g. financial value) (Doesn't have to be numeric)
enquiry_outcomeText description of the outcome of the enquiry
enquiry_followup_dateFollowup date (YYYY-MM-DD)
enquiry_noteAn internal note related to the enquiry