TourCMS, a leading online booking and channel management solution is operated by Palisis.

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Booking add note

Add a text-based note on to a booking


Using the various different note types this API call can be used for a variety of purposes from storing a basic log of events surrounding a booking to travel agents notifying tour operator staff of booking modification requests.

REST info

ExampleURL: /c/booking/note/new.xml
POST data:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  	<text>Some information to store</text>

Code samples

PHP examples use the PHP Client Library with SimpleXML


object add_note_to_booking (  int $booking, int $channel, string $note, $string note_type  )


ID number for the booking to update
ID number for the channel the booking belongs to
The freetext to store in the note
The type of note being added


// Set the channel ID
$channel = 3930;
// Which booking to update
$booking = 1234;
// The text to store
$note = "Some information to store on the booking";
// The type of note to store
$note_type = "AUDIT";

// Call TourCMS API, adding the note on to the booking
$result = $tourcms->add_note_to_booking($booking_id, $channel_id, $note, $note_type);

// Check the result, will be "OK" if the booking was updated
if ($result->error == "OK") {
    // Print a success message
	echo "Note stored";
} else {
	// Some  problem
	print $result->error;
Note stored

C# examples use the .Net Client Library

Overload list

XmlDocument AddNoteToBooking ( int bookingId, int channelId, string note, string noteType )


The ID of the booking to add the note to
ID number for the channel the booking belongs to
The text to add
The type of note to add (see below)


//  Set the ID for the channel this booking is made with
int channelId = 3930;
// The booking to add a note to
int bookingId = 12345;
// The text to add
string note = "Some text to add";
// The type of note
string noteType = "AUDIT";

// Send the data to the TourCMS API, cancelling the Booking
XmlDocument doc = myTourCMS.AddNoteToBooking(
bookingId, channelId, note, noteType

// Check the status
// Will be "OK" if the booking was updated
string status = doc.SelectSingleNode("//error").InnerText;


VB examples use the .Net Client Library

Overload list

XmlDocument AddNoteToBooking ( int bookingId, int channelId, string note, string noteType )


The ID of the booking to add the note to
ID number for the channel the booking belongs to
The text to add
The type of note to add (see below)


'  Set the ID for the channel this booking is made with
Dim channelId As Integer = 3930
' The booking to add a note to
Dim bookingId As Integer = 12345
' The text to add
Dim note As String = "Some text to add";
' The type of note
Dim noteType As String = "AUDIT"

' Send the data to the TourCMS API, cancelling the Booking
Dim doc As XmlDocument = myTourCMS.AddNoteToBooking(
bookingId, channelId, note, noteType

' Check the status
' Will be "OK" if the booking was updated
Dim status As String = doc.SelectSingleNode("//error").InnerText


NodeJS examples use the NodeJS Wrapper


  channelId: 3930,
  booking: {
    booking_id: 8451,
    note: {
        type: "AUDIT",
        text: "Some note to store on the booking"
  callback: function(response) {

Looking for sample code in a different language? TourCMS and community provided API libraries

Implementing yourself? Check the REST info for this endpoint.

Try it

Enter your TourCMS API credentials below to call the Booking add note endpoint.

Take care, submitting this form will modify live data!


Note types

The least visible note type. Designed for storing a general log of things that have happened. For example the fact a third party system has been updated following a Webhook event.
Adds a customer note to the "Notes" section of the booking. Visually distinctive from staff notes however otherwise currently triggers no flags or alters - this is likely to change.
The most visible note type. This sets a Modification Request "Flag" within the TourCMS system that will notify any staff users set to receive the flag. Agents should use this note type for booking modification requests.

Response fields

Response fields
XML NodeNotes
request Confirmation of the request that you sent
error Any error message returned, if there is no error this will just contain the text OK.

More information