TourCMS, a leading online booking and channel management solution is operated by Palisis.

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Show Channel

Return channel information. Think of this as company/brand information for a tour operator.


Most TourCMS accounts will only have one channel however it is possible for TourCMS accounts to follow a multi-channel strategy.

The data fields with _private in are not for public display. They are provided to make it easy for you to create a management system to review multiple channels.

REST info


Code samples

PHP examples use the PHP Client Library with SimpleXML


object show_channel ( int $channel )


ID for the channel (supplier) we want the details


// ID for the channel (supplier) we want the details for
$channel = 6;

// Query the TourCMS API
$result = $tourcms->show_channel($channel);

// Get the channel node
$channel = $result->channel;

// Display a link to the channel website
echo '<a href="'.$channel->home_url.'">'.$channel->channel_name.' website</a>';
<a href="">Example Tours website</a>

C# examples use the .Net Client Library

Overload list

XmlDocument ShowChannel (int ChannelId)


ID for the channel (supplier) we want the details


// ID for the channel (supplier) we want the details for
int channelId = 3;

// Query the TourCMS API
XmlDocument doc = myTourCMS.ShowChannel(channelId);

// Display the Channel name and web address
String chanName = doc.SelectSingleNode("//channel/channel_name");
String chanWeb = doc.SelectSingleNode("//channel/home_url");

Console.WriteLine(chanName + " website - " + chanWeb);
Example Tours website -

VB examples use the .Net Client Library

Overload list

XmlDocument ShowChannel (int ChannelId)


ID for the channel (supplier) we want the details


' ID for the channel (supplier) we want the details for
Dim channelId As Integer = 6

' Query the TourCMS API
Dim doc As XmlDocument = myTourCMS.ShowChannel(channelId)

' Display the Channel name and web address
Dim chanName As String = doc.SelectSingleNode("//channel/channel_name")
Dim chanWeb As String = doc.SelectSingleNode("//channel/home_url")

Console.WriteLine(chanName & " website - " & chanWeb)
Example Tours website -

NodeJS examples use the NodeJS Wrapper


  channelId: 3930,
  callback: function(response) {
	var ch =;
    console.log(ch.channel_name + " website - " + ch.home_url);
Example Tours website -

Looking for sample code in a different language? TourCMS and community provided API libraries

Implementing yourself? Check the REST info for this endpoint.

Try it

Enter your TourCMS API credentials below to call the Show Channel endpoint.


Querystring parameters

There are no querystring parameters supported by this method.

Response fields

Response fields
XML NodeNotes
request Confirmation of the request that you sent
error Any error message returned, if there is no error this will just contain the text OK

The channel node contains the following child nodes.

XML NodeNotes
channel_idChannel ID
account_idAccount ID
channel_nameChannel name (Company name)
get_perm_custbookAPI GET permission - Customers / Bookings
get_perm_agsupAPI GET permission - Agents / Suppliers. Permission settings
post_perm_custbookAPI POST permission - Customers / Bookings
post_perm_agsupAPI POST permission - Agents / Suppliers
post_perm_dpaAPI POST permission - Products / Dates / Prices / Availability
home_urlURL website homepage
home_url_trackedURL website homepage (with agent tracking)
logo_urlChannel logo URL
langValid TourCMS Language. eg: en, es, fr, de...
utc_offset_minsLocal time: Offset (minutes) from UTC
default_tour_timezoneDefault timezone for tours in the account
sale_currencySale currency (prices returned in this currency)
fee_activeINT 0-1

Booking fee configuration:

XML NodeNotes
base_currencyBase currency - for accounting integrations only
connection_dateDate you connected to this channel (YYYY-MM-DD)
short_descShort description
long_descLong description
very_long_descVery long description
why_descWhy us?
bondingBonding / financial protection
certificatione.g. for activity companies could be industry association memberships
cancel_policyCancellation policy
terms_and_conditionsTerms and conditions for booking
email_customerSales enquiry email address that can be shown to customers
IF you are an agent and sending booking notifications to the supplier, send to this address
phone_customerSales enquiry telephone number that can be shown to customers
office_hoursOffice hours
twitterTwitter handle (excludes the @)
tripadvisorURL for TripAdvisor entry
youtubeURL for Youtube channel
facebookURL for Facebook page
flickrURL for Flickr photo page
othersmURL for some other social media site (e.g. Ning, blog, forums etc)
address_1Address line 1
address_2Address line 2
address_postcodePostcode / Zipcode
address_countryCountry code
latitudeFLOAT between -90 and 90
longitudeFLOAT between -180 and 180

Optional additional geo information related to the business address.

XML NodeNotes
geocode lat,lng geocode point
google_place_id A Google Place ID
google_place_name The Human readable name for the Google Place ID
search_term Search term used to generate Google Place ID
google_place_refreshed UTC Date / time the Google Place ID was pulled from Google API. E.g. 2022-11-21 9:57:45
contact_us_linkLink to contact us page on the operators own website.
privacy_policy_linkLink to privacy policy page on the operators own website.
branding_colourBranding colour. Should look good behind light text.
commercial_email_privateEmail address for partners to use to contact the channel
commercial_contactname_privateName of the channel contact
commercial_pitch_privateWhat the standard deal for this channel is
commercial_ppl_privateInterested in pay per lead
commercial_dir_privateInterested in directory listings / pay to list
commercial_ppc_privateInterested in pay per click
commercial_aff_privateInterested in affiliate deals (consumer books with channel directly)
commercial_ag_privateInterested in agent deals (agent takes money)
commercial_any_privateInterested in all sorts of promotional ideas!
commercial_avleadtime_privateAverage leadtime (Days between when booking made and start date)
commercial_avtransaction_privateAverage transaction size (in sale currency)
commercial_avpeople_privateAverage number of people (pax) in a booking
commercial_avclick2book_privateAverage number of unique visitors (via tracking script) to deliver 1 booking
commercial_avduration_privateAverage duration of a booking (days) (i.e. whether day tours or longer)
commercial_percent_online_private% bookings received online
commercial_percent_convert_private% of bookings that ultimately convert to confirmed bookings
perm_override_sale_price The agent permission to overwrite the sale price in the booking process.
1: Allow to overwrite sale price
0: Not allow to overwrite sale price
connection_permissionThe permissions granted by the channel owner when the connection was made, of most interest to Marketplace Agents (Tour Operators have full - 3 - permission on their own channels)
1 Sell only (No booking access)
Able to sell products but they won't see how successful they are. Ideal for advertisers earning a fixed fee per year (rather than on success)
2 Summary statistics (For affiliates)
Can sell your product and see a top level summary of click/booking success and some basic booking information: dates, lead customer name, sale value, commission earned etc. This level is designed for website affiliates who need to know how they are doing but are not part of the bookings transaction hence you don't want to over disclose personal consumer information to them
3 Full booking details (Just on own bookings)
Full access to booking and customer records for bookings they have generated. However Marketplace Agents have no access to internal information such as profit margin nor suppliers used. Designed for travel agents who probably have the customer information already as they gave you the booking in the first place
company_name The legal company name the channel belongs to. Not intended for general marketing/public display. Instead use <channel_name>

Information about the payment gateway used by the operator, containing:

XML NodeNotes
gateway_id TourCMS unique identifier for this gateway
name Staff entered name for the gateway, freetext
A field for each possible supported credit/debit card type (MasterCard, Diners Club, Discover, American Express, UnionPay).
Will be "1" if card type is accepted, "0" if it isn't
Useful to display an indication of which card types are accepted when booking, perhaps using icons like these.
gateway_type Indicates the type of gateway used, if "SPRE" then the operator is using Spreedly which allows agents websites/apps to offer payments direct to the operator.
Other values include "PAYP" for PayPal, "AUN" for
If operator using Spreedly (gateway_type "SPRE")
spreedly_environment_keyRequired for taking credit card payments via Spreedly payment solution powered companies. This is open for travel agent use as well as supplier. More details
If accessing as a tour operator (not agent)
Configuration settings for the payment gateway, useful if building a custom booking engine, allows gateway details to be stored once - in TourCMS.
10 fields, not all are used for all gateways (so some may be blank). The data stored in each numbered field varies by gateway, see the gateway settings page in TourCMS to match up the correct fields.
booking_styleGenerally only useful for affiliates linking to the operator booking engine. Permits you to use text such as book now or enquire now. If you are placing bookings via API you can likely ignore this value as your connection permissions will determine whether you place confirmed bookings or not.

For affiliates or others linking to the TourCMS hosted booking engine it describes the status of bookings created that way. ENQUIRY, QUOTE, BOOKING.
If API called by a Marketplace Agent

If any agent specific fields are configured:

XML NodeNotes

There will be a field node for each agent specific field, containing:

XML NodeNotes
nameAgent specific field name
valueValue for the agent specific field
If API called by Tour Operator (not Marketplace Agent)
google_analytics_idGoogle Analytics ID

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