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Update Tour Pickup Route

Update a pickup route of a tour.


For Tour Operator usage only (not accessible by Marketplace Agents).

REST info


Code samples

PHP examples use the PHP Client Library with the return type set to SimpleXML


update_tours_pickup_routes($data, $channel)


SimpleXmlElement containing the route data (must include tour ID and route ID)
ID number for the channel the pickup route belongs to.


// Create a new SimpleXMLElement to hold the route details
$data = new SimpleXMLElement('<route/>');
$data->addChild('tour_id', 70);
$data->addChild('route_id', 2);
$data->addChild('route_code', 'TEST');

// Define the channel ID the pickup route belongs to.
$channel = 3930;

// Call TourCMS API, getting the pickup routes and their pickup points.
$result = $tourcms->update_tours_pickup_routes($data, $channel);

// Check the result, will be "OK" if a route was updated
switch ($result->error) {
    case "OK":
		// Print a success message
	    print "Thanks, your route details have been updated.";
    case "NOTOK":
		// Some other problem (could check error to see what)
	    print $result->error_message;
Thanks, your route details have been updated.

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Querystring parameters

There are no querystring parameters.

Post fields

The following fields can be posted as XML when calling the API, the tour_id and route_id are the only required fields.

Any fields not present in the XML will not be updated, to clear a field you will need to add it to the XML but leave it's contents blank.

Post fields
XML Node Notes

The root XML element, can contain any of the following child nodes.

XML Node Notes
tour_id Required. TourCMS Internal ID number for the Tour, this must be provided
route_id Required. TourCMS Internal ID number for the Tour's Route, this must be provided
route_code Operational report code
time_range_start Apply to tour departures which starts between time_range_start and time_range_end. If time_range_start is set, time_range_end must be provided too. If account is not set to allow flexible time input, it must end in a multiple of 5.
time_range_end Apply to tour departures which starts between time_range_start and time_range_end. If time_range_end is set, time_range_start must be provided too. If account is not set to allow flexible time input, it must end in a multiple of 5.

The Channel ID is also passed via the request header, this is required as Tour IDs are unique within a particular channel (supplier) rather than being unique system wide.

Response fields

Response fields
XML NodeNotes
request Confirmation of the request that you sent
error Error status OK/NOTOK
error_message Any error message returned. Will only be returned if error is NOTOK
tour_id Tour ID
channel_id Channel ID

Each pickup route node contains the following child nodes.

XML NodeNotes
route_id Route ID

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