TourCMS, a leading online booking and channel management solution is operated by Palisis.

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home > support > API > Method list > Upload tour file > Upload tour file

Get tour file upload URL

Generate a pre-signed Amazon S3 URL that can be used to upload a file.

Once you have the URL upload your file to it and then tell TourCMS to process the file.

REST info


Code samples

PHP examples use the PHP Client Library with the return type set to SimpleXML


object tour_upload_file_get_url(int $tour, int $channel, string $file_type, int $file_id)


Integer ID number of the tour to be deleted.
Integer ID number for the channel this tour belongs to.
Either 'image' or 'document'
For images, 1 to 10 depending on which image slot to upload to.
For documents only 1 document can currently be uploaded, so this must be set to 1.


// The channel ID this tour belongs to.
$channel = 3930;
// The id of the tour the image should be added to
$tour = 1;
// The uploaded file type, either 'image' or 'document' 
$file_type = 'image';
// Slot 
$file_id = 1;

// Call TourCMS API, obtaining a URL to upload to
$result = $tourcms->tour_upload_file_get_url($tour, $channel, $file_type, $file_id);
if ($result->error == "OK") {
print "UPLOAD URL IS " . $result->upload_url . " AND EXPIRES AT " . $result->valid_until;
} else {
print $result->error;
UPLOAD URL IS AND EXPIRES AT 2022-10-01 15:45:05

Looking for sample code in a different language? TourCMS and community provided API libraries

Querystring parameters

Querystring parameters
id Tour ID you want to upload a new file (document or image).
file_type Either 'image' or 'document'
file_id For images, 1 to 10 depending on which image slot to upload to.
For documents only 1 document can currently be uploaded, so this must be set to 1

Response fields

Response fields
XML NodeNotes
request Confirmation of the request that you sent
error Any error message returned, if there is no error this will just contain the text OK
upload_url The URL to PUT your file to.
valid_until When the URL will be available until, ISO 8601 date format 2022-10-07T11:40:09+00:00.
After this time you will need to generate a new URL to be able to upload.
valid_until_timestamp When the URL will be available until, Unix timestamp format.
After this time you will need to generate a new URL to be able to upload.
tour_id Confirmation of the ID of the tour the you told us the image would be uploaded to
channel_id Confirmation of the primary Channel you are using to access the API
file_type Confirmation of the file type you gave us ('image' or 'document')
file_id Confirmation of the file id / slot you gave us (1-10 for images, 1 for documents)

Next step

PUT your file to the upload_url provided.

More information